Sunday 5 April 2015

4 day's of fishing and my big big snapper

 My Poppa went fishing on Thursday. His steering cable went snap so the cos guard toed them in over the Waitara bar.                  There were two big waves. If there was one more big wave the boat would of flipped .                                         The 2rd day of fishing. We court the fish in the photo and I court 2 snapper 3 gurnard.                 The 3rd day of fishing. this day was a comp we did not catch anything.                                               The 4th day of fishing. We went fishing and everybody felt sick. And the diving tank ring was not there so we went back home.  So I went fishing off the back of our batch.


  1. I like the story is it real or fake I can not tall but I like the photo of the snapper and can you but maybe a little bit more writing on the snapper.

  2. I like your story but I think you need a bit more detail on each day and but other than that it is good
